
Estimate Types

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Preliminary Investigation and Feasibility Studies

Start in the BoardroomCharacteristics:

  • Vague design guidelines
  • Project in the evaluation stages
  • Limited design and construction information

This type of estimate provides decision support and cost analysis based on preliminary design considerations, utility requirements, site development requirements and coordination with regulatory requirements and agencies.
These estimates are prepared with minimal information. They provide the "How much?" answer to the "What if?" questions. Typical turn around for this type of estimate is one to three days.  Feasibility Estimates are generally used by developers or owners to determine a projects viability or by general contractors in negotiations with potential clients and/or architects during the design process.

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Conceptual and Schematic Construction Estimates

Placeholder  ImageCharacteristics:

  • Site availability and utility availability certain
  • Some design and construction information outlined
  • Facility usage requirements and space planning completed

Provide conceptual construction cost estimates based on design schematics, space requirements and expected facility utilization.  Work with designers and owners to evaluate construction methods and materials to control costs and provide design decision support in early stages of design process.
These estimates are typically prepared at the schematic design level. They are used to reaffirm the budget and to provide for design adjustments. Usual response time to complete these estimates is one to two weeks.

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Design Development Estimates

Placeholder  ImageCharacteristics:

  • Most design and construction information completed
  • Facility usage requirements and space schematics completed
  • Design in progress most construction methods and calculations completed
  • Owner and designers have not completed all design parameters

This type of estimate is prepared at the design development level (35%, 60% or 90% design completion). They are used to verify that the project budget is being maintained. The average time to prepare these estimates is one to two weeks. Design Development Estimates are generally used by developers in early design phases and by architects when determining the designs estimated costs for clients.

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Design Build Estimates

hard hat & plansCharacteristics:

  • Site availability and utility availability certain
  • Some design and construction information outlined
  • Facility usage requirements and space planning are at least outlined
  • Based on assumptions of yet to be determined construction methods

These estimates are furnished at the appropriate level of design for competitive, construction manager at risk or cost-plus construction contracts. Design/Build estimates include design details not yet defined in the documents, along with what is shown. Depending upon project design completion and size, estimates are typically prepared in two to three weeks.

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Pre-Bid and Detailed Cost Estimates plan review


  • Project parameters are fixed
  • All bid documents are complete
  • Project has been released for competitive bidding
  • Project has been advertised and released for construction

Complete detailed project cost estimate and analysis including detailed material labor and equipment. The "contractor's estimate", this highly detailed estimate is used for hard bids and development of the CPM schedule.  If the contractor is successful in the bid, the estimate can establish a control budget for the project.  Most materials can be purchased directly from the estimate sheets.  Depending upon the project size, estimates rarely exceed three weeks of preparation time.

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Material and Quantity Takeoff

Placeholder  ImageCharacteristics:

  • Project parameters are fixed
  • All bid documents are complete
  • Project has been released for competitive bidding
  • Project has been advertised and released for construction

This type of estimate provides contractors or subcontractors with detailed material and work item quantities for pricing or ordering of materials. They are similar to bid estimates except that they do not include labor, material or equipment pricing.  This estimate is commonly used by subcontractors and general contractors to provide "check" numbers and so that they can input their own pricing.  It can also be used to provide back up documentation for scope changes during project construction and change order negotiations with owners.

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Rates and Costs

Estimate Rates vary with client requirements, expectations and project complexities. The following table is a guideline based on typical construction cost estimate requirements:

Project Anticipated Construction Cost

Approximate Estimate Cost

$0 - $100,000

$300 - $500

$100,000 - $250,000

$500 - $1,000

$250,000 - $1,000,000

$1,000 - $2,000

$1,000,000 - $5,000,000

$2,000 - $5,000

$5,000,000 - $10,000,000

$5,000 - $8,000

$10,000,000 - $20,000,000

$8,000 - $12,000

Hourly Rates


$35.00 $/Hr

Senior Estimator

$40.00 $/Hr

Chief Estimator

$45.00 $/Hr

Call or submit Inquiry form on our Contacts page for a detailed discussion of your needs and a quotation.

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Copyright Construction Cost Associates, 2006